October 3, 2011

we, not they

This is a really short message I'd like to share with you. It's less than 2 min long and I thought it was great! Please take the time to watch it.

I encourage you to go though the whole series, but if you are short on time, you can always visit their youtube channel and watch small fragments of the messages like this one. Hope you like it!


  1. This is so true. Thanks for sharing, girl!

  2. Wow, what an eye opener! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for stopping my blog!! :-)

  3. Wow. This is great. Loved that you stumbled with me so that in return I got the chance to stumble with you! <3

  4. Very insightful and important to share!

  5. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by! I love your blog, madrid! Estoy super celosa!


You know the drill. Please leave your message after the "beep". Beep!