August 23, 2011

tuesday tune #1 Ain't got no... I got life

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you who decided to follow this blog! I woke up this morning only to find this blog had reached 50 followers! Supah! 

I'm going to start this new
I promise to thank every new follower by either adding a link to their blog to my posts or placing their button on this blog's sidebar for as long as possible. 
I know it's not much, but a girl has to start somewhere! :)

I was reading Cherie's post when I realized I had never written any posts about music on my blog before. Not once! Shame, shame, shame! Anyway, she says she is a firm believer that no one can truly appreciate music, unless you listen to it at full volume. I couldn't agree with her more!

Now I've got to say something here: good music is like great wine. I hate when people say 'this one is the best, that one is more expensive'... See, I've tried about hundreds of them and to be very honest: the ones I like the most are neither expensive nor famous. I just like them, it doesn't have to be so complicated! Narrow-minded people are so annoying... so, if you happen to be one of them, don't come to me saying I have no taste for wine or whatever nonsense you might be thinking. I really don't care.  

Music is about the same, isn't it? I can't stand heavy metal, for example; it scares me out of my mind (it does; it really, really does). I love jazz, definitely some blues, maybe a little pop. And I absolutely love rock, you know. I grew up listening to rock music and it is such a huge part of my life (Aerosmith is so cool I never get tired of listening to their songs!). Still, not all rock bands are awesome: some are just ok and I must admit most of them completely suck.

Every now and then, though, I bump into new amazing songs that make me want to sing loud enough so I can truly feel those lyrics. Honestly, there are few things I enjoy more than the first listen of a great song, even if it's nothing new to the rest of the world. That's how all my hyper-addictive musical relationships begin. And they invariably end up holding me captive for weeks or even months until I find another amazing artist that'll automatically cause me to break up with my former musical affair.

I remember when I first discovered Nina Simone many years ago. Isn't she great?

You're welcome to link up your own tuesday tune here:

This blog's newest followers



  1. thanks for adding my button :)
    i'm so happy to be a new follower.


  2. how neat! well, you know I'm a follower, and I'm glad I could be a part of your fifty followers :) congrats- you will go far.


  3. I had never heard of Nina simone! But Her music is great!! Thank you so much for participating on my giveaway!! I'll let everyone know the winner soon!!

    You have a very adorable blog. I'm a new follower <3

  4. What a great idea for a post! Too bad I already wrote a recipe for today but what a great weekly meme idea. Ciao!

  5. Thanks, Kasia! :)

    Hey, Camylla! Nina Simone really is amazing! Love love love her.


  6. Eeeeee how exciting! Congrats on the 50 followers! I'm so happy for you, girl.


  7. I love your "Follow this Blog" campaign! What a sweet idea :)

  8. I actually thought I was already following you! : ) Hope you are having a beautiful day!

  9. I thought so too! This google friend gadget is pretty awkward, isn't it? :P
    Always good to have you here!


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